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  1. The Concept of Belief

1.Andrew Lugg, (1983), "Explaining Scientific Beliefs: The Rationalist's Strategy Re-examined", Philosophy of the Social Sciences, no. 13, Pp. 265-287.

2.  Michael M.Gorman  (1993), "Hume’s Theory of Belief", Hume Studies V. XIX, No. 1 Pp. 89-102.

3. Brown, Curtis ,    What Is a Belief State? in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 10 (1986): 357-78.

4. Brown, Curtis ,     Direct and indirect belief in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52 (1992): 289-316.

5. Tuomela, Raimo ,     Belief versus Acceptance, Philosophical Explorations 2, 2000, 122-137.

6. Haas-Spohn,Ulrike and   Spohn, Wolfgang,    Concepts Are Beliefs About Essences, , in: R. Stuhlmann-Laeisz, A, Newen, U. Nortmann (eds.),Proceedings of an International Symposium "Gottlob Frege: Philosophy of Logic, Language and Knowledg, Stanford, CSLI Publications, 2001, pp. 287-316.



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